BrainyFrog Marketing and Consulting, LLC
BrainyFrog Marketing & Consulting, LLC - Case Studies






Case Studies

Re-energizing an Established, Declining Business


Brainyfrog Marketing & Consulting, LLCPROBLEM

The business was a large (over $1Billion Retail), highly recognized, food portfolio with an all-family target. This business had been experiencing slow decline for a number of years as consumers were moving to more innovative and complex products within the same category. Further, within the company, there was a lot of excitement and focus on new product development as well as products that contributed higher gross margin.

Brainyfrog Marketing & Consulting, LLCTHE SOLUTION

  • Developed new consumer insights around the brands’ behaviors, shopping and consumption habits, and identified several areas of opportunity including alternative usage, brand imagery and the need for meaningful “news”.
  • Reframed consumer consideration of several brands within the portfolio via alternative usage, particularly during key holiday periods and day parts.
  • Brand Personalities were enhanced to grow family appeal through the introduction of a brand icon as well as the strengthening of an established icon.
  • Communicated the strategy to support teams within the organization - sales, customer service, trade marketing, key accounts, etc.
  • Communicated the strategy via cost effective consumer communication – on package, mail, print, outdoor, TV, etc.
  • Developed and sold-in a price increase that was three times company average for a key product within portfolio.

Brainyfrog Marketing & Consulting, LLCRESULTS

  • The long term decline of the portfolio was slowed, with enhanced focus both internally and throughout field sales
  • The brands increased alternative usage consumption
  • Strategy/Programs spawned competitive copycat behavior
  • Several programs still in use today
  • Price increase was implemented, enhancing gross margin and improving the brand’s priority status for investment


© BRAINYFROG Marketing & Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved.
3940 Stanford Avenue, Suite 101 | Dallas, TX 75225 | (469) 759-6272 | | Photos: Ron Nguyen
